Tokyo, March 9 th, 2023: Zeekstar Sports Entertainment, Inc. announces Zeekstar Tokyo, a member of Japan Handball League, joining Forum Club Handball (HQ: Cologne, Germany; Chairman: Xavier O’Callaghan of FC Barcelona, Spain;; FCH). Zeekstar Tokyo attended the 27th General Assembly of FCH held on January 27th, 2023, held at Stockholm, Sweden, gaining full consent to join FCH. Zeekstar Tokyo will be the third non-European club team, and the first Asian club team to join FCH.

Over 100 club teams are members of FCH, many with experience playing in the Champions League and European League hosted by the Europe Handball Federation (EHF). With EHF and International Handball Federation (IHF), FCH works to promote handball by examining international competition rules, securing clubs’ rights, and how competitions should be run.
As the first Asian member of FCH, Zeekstar Tokyo aims to actively interact with international club teams to share and deliver information and skills. Zeekstar Tokyo will continue to work to create a higher-level team and bring the appeal of handball to our fans.